Great Lakes Biorepository Research Network
"Enhancing biomedical research through the inspiration, development and promotion of biobanking resources and best practices"
Member Institutions
Beaumont Health Biobank
Beaumont Biobank is a research center that is focused on developing innovative methods for early detection of disease and personalized treatment plans through leading edge analysis techniques and state of the art technologies. Biomarkers from tissue, blood or fluids, are used to develop the next generation of care management, taking it from bench to bedside.
Beaumont continues to strengthen its role as an innovative academic and research institution. As we strive to stay on the leading edge of medicine and medical research, several issues must be addressed in order to adapt to this dynamic situation:
With the addition of the Oakland University William Beaumont Medical School and the growth of the Beaumont Research Institute, the need increases for well preserved specimens of normal, pathological and neoplastic human tissues, blood and fluids that can be used for biomedical research.
Beaumont intends to continue to be a leader in translational research, linking leading-edge genomic and proteomic laboratory techniques to clinical outcomes studies in a direct and speedy manner, bringing treatment advances from "bench to bedside."
For more information, including contact info, see the Beamont Biobank website: http://www.beaumont.edu/biobank/
University of Michigan Medical School Central Biorepository
The University of Michigan Medical School Central Biorepository is enterprise-wide infrastructure that provides standardized procedures for storage, processing and distributions for University of Michigan investigators and their collaborators. The CBR is accredited by the College of American Pathologists Biorepository Accreditation Program. Multiple disease-specific collections are represented at the CBR, including several cancers (Head and neck, skin and breast cancers), metabolic disorders (diabetes and obesity), inflammatory and fibrotic diseases (Inflammatory bowel disease, interstitial lung disease), biopolar disorder, and neuropathy. In addition, the UMMS Central biorepository maintains a DNA bank, called the Michigan Genomics Initiative, with samples collected from the University of Michigan Health System patient population.
Requests for more information about sample or data use can be sent to Victoria Blanc at vmb@umich.edu.
For more information, see the UMMS Central Biorepository website: https://research.medicine.umich.edu/office-research/biorepository
Van Andel Institute Pathology and Biorepository Core
VAI’s Pathology and Biorepository Core (PBC) integrates anatomic pathology expertise with biorepository and biospecimen science for assisting investigator research. The Pathology and Biorepository Core builds upon historical strengths in standard histology, microscopy, and biobanking, along with novel technologies to test and apply best practices in biospecimen science. This focus on pathology provides complementary emphasis on high-quality biospecimens and interpretable results with which to validate experimental models and extend them to clinical samples, thereby advancing the Institute’s mission.
VAI’s Pathology and Biorepository Core manages service requests through CrossLab Solutions. The PBC CrossLab page provides descriptions of the Core as well as options to schedule equipment and request services. Pricing also is available in CrossLab. Current CrossLab users can login here. External users that need an CrossLab account/login can go here for account creation. After logging in, external users should click “list all cores” under the Core Facilities section in the left menu and scroll down to “Cores at Van Andel Institute”.
For more information, see the VARI PBC website: https://pbc.vai.org/
Michigan State University
Saint Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor