Great Lakes Biorepository Research Network
"Enhancing biomedical research through the inspiration, development and promotion of biobanking resources and best practices"
Join the GLBRN!
Interested in joining the GLBRN? The GLBRN is a society of institutions organized to raise the level of practices in managing the collection, quality, processing, storage and distribution of biospecimens; ensure that stored biospecimens are managed with a high degree of stewardship that increases the opportunity for use; expedite access to biospecimens; provide access to biospecimens at reasonable research rates; and inspire institutional collaboration in research.
The GLBRN is a collaborative effort between the members to implement uniform, streamlined policies and procedures for the distribution and utilization of biobanked specimens to researchers of the members. The goals of the GLBRN follow:
To improve biospecimen management/collection/standardization;
To expedite access to biospecimens through a common Banked Biospecimen Distribution Agreement (not a requirement for joining) and process; and
To inspire institutional collaboration between the Parties.
If you are interested in joining the GLBRN, please download the GLBRN application below, fill it out and submit it via email. If you have further questions, you can utilize the contact us page and someone from the GLBRN will be in touch soon.